Kelly Overseas

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Siena to San Gimignano - Are we stepping back in time?!

Thursday saw us leave Firenze for the country side - the hilltop village of San Gimignano, which looked like a medieval castle and town with it's great surrounding wall, soaring towers and tiny cobbled alleyways! On the way there, we stopped at Siena and drunk cappicianos in the piazza, while being thoroughly entertained by a street performer who would walk back and forwards infront of us picking on the tourists! One time, he got out a whistle and pretending to be a policeman, he redirected a group of asians so that they had to go around the courtyard rather than along the foot path. Another time he used a water bottle and squirted a bald man from behind, twice! The man then proceeded to bend down to get his small child to check the top of his head! We were in hysterics ... and were just so grateful it wasn't us!!!

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