Kelly Overseas

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Feb 2nd 2006
It's freezing today! Minus 1. It snowed just outa London! Agh!

Wana hear what I got up to last night!? Well here goes anyway!!
I wanted to see a show but it was all abit of a drama before I even got there!!! ... Minus 1 degrees outside... had to walk to drop off flat key to friend... got a bit lost... ran for bus but card had no money left! Ran bak to a station... waited for bus... by now the hour before the show time was up... finally caught bus and managed to get the courage up to talk to a very nice chick sitting next to me, made first potential friend by myself, exchanged ph numbers in hope of catchin a show sometime together - yay...
Bak to the bus - it didnt go to where I thought it would but instead stopped a whole block short... gutted Im wearing high-heeled boots, it is now 7.40 and 'Blood Brothers' is suppose to start at 7.45pm at the Phoenix... will I get there?
Doubt it - and if so, will there be CHEAP tickets?!?! So I try to half walk, halk run, probably a very funny site... but then again everyone's always in a rush in London... so find Phoenix, doors shut, no lights on &.50 - gutted - well let's try another theatre - I know they are all around here somewhere - something must start at 8! No time for a MAP, JUST RUN!.... HEHEHEHEHE...... Oh big billboard for Mary Poppins how cool - gutted, box office shut, man said 'closed sorry'.
Dear God, i would really really like to see a show... keep running... no idea where I am going... turn here, then there - oops shop names all in Chinese, must be in Chinatown - oh, another billboard- Chicago - closed to... another turn - HUGE SIGN AHEAD- its LES MIS!!!!
\nGod, you rock!!!!!!!! Im was quickly ushered to my seat (it had started at 7.30 but roughly knew the story and could pick up where we were. What an answer to my prayers! And better yet, it was free!\nThe singing was intense and so good. Their range was incredible!!!!! The children were so gorgeous and talented! Can I have them in my class please!!!!!!!! And the set- wow- revolving, changing, huge barracks, amazing sewers, then simple use of lighting with revoling stage for journeys... I could go on and on! Ha, I am ... hehehe ... but it was sooooooooooo uplifting. And just the prayers, the song made me want to cry...
Oh and I got to thank the man, actually it was a whole group who had 1 spare ticket and tried to sell it, right up until the show started, and they were so kind and glad that it was put to good use. I really felt like God was saying, 'Your first one's on me, kiddo.' Yay. I'm still buzzing! Can you tell?! Hehehehe.

Actually, everyday at the moment is a bit of an adventure!
I had my first day supply teaching today and guess what I taught... MATHS! I could even do some of it! Ha. I also got to teach R.E which was on missionaires, so that was cool. A nice school although I was 1 1/4 away!!!!Basingstoke still want me but I have said no for now. My day to day with be closer tomorrow. I kinda like suppy though - no planning or markin!!!! Just wld miss not getting my subjects or to build relationships. Will see how things go! I must say though, it is a mission finding your way around a big city, by yourself and trying to get to a foreign school on time! I acn do it though! I'm superwoman! Nah, I just have a good A-Z of London, a traveller's best friend!

Hope my adventure gave you a bit of a laugh.


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